Wii So Sore
Last evening, I headed back over there for some more Wii action. This time I played with my left-handed character, now named Sidesadl. I KICKED BUTT in bowling - 216 my first game and something like 198 my second. I got five strikes in a row in the first game - a record both personally and "for the house."
Then things got a little controversial as He Tells Jokes and I played the boxing game. Super Mom wouldn't let her son stay in the room while we played. I understand that. I also know that I am not going to develop a love of boxing (or violence) from this game. This is my favorite game, but simply because it allows me to trick myself into exercising. This is pretty much the whole reason I bought a Wii. I want to use it as a way to have fun while getting a workout. Right now, the only game I have (beyond Wii Ftiness) that makes me move around enough to elevate my heart rate is boxing.
Which leads me to the soreness. You know that I bowled left handed a couple of games over the weekend. But I guess I never ever ever ever use that side of my body to lunge...ever. I haven't felt particularly sore walking around. But as soon as I threw my first "ball" playing left handed against my boys, I yelped in pain. It felt like I tore a huge whole in my right butt cheek just where it connects to my leg. (Somewhere between the gluteus maximus and the biceps of the thigh.) Even though I continued to play, I couldn't use my normal bowling stance because it just hurt too much. When I got home, I wasn't sure that I was going to be able to make it up two flights of stairs - every step was agony. But after the first flight of stairs I paused to play a few more games on my own Wii. Why not just cripple myself while I'm at it, right?
This morning, I do feel a little soreness in my butt, but unlike I feared, I can walk freely. On my left side, my shoulder, biceps and the muscle that runs along my ribcage are sore. On my right side, only my biceps is a little sore.
And to let you know how addictive this Wii is (for the couple of you that still haven't played it), Super Mom is convinced that she wants one after playing for only two days. The people who run Nintendo are geniuses!
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