Me and My Imaginary Friends

The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what you share with someone else when you're uncool.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Wii Begin

So I told you that I bought a Wii from eBay on Monday.  I paid a ridiculous amount for shipping to get it in the quickest amount of time possible.  I know I should have just been patient, but I couldn't wait.  I was finally getting a Wii after months of waiting!  I need this stress reliever so badly.  I went to a couple of online stores to buy the essential accessories, hoping they'd come in soon after my system arrived. 

I came home on Wednesday evening to find a postal notice on my door.  I was notified that the postman had tried to deliver a package to my door, but didn't find me at home.  I had been a little nervous about the Wii sitting on my front porch until I could get home.  My neighborhood is very safe, but my sister-in-law was escorted to her car by store security after she bought the last unit in a retail store.  People are crazy-go-nuts over these things.  The note told me that I could pick up my package at the post office after 8:00 am the next day - Thursday (yesterday). 

I woke up yesterday, "Wiiday", with a bad headache.  All I could think about was getting to the post office to pick up my Wii.  Unfortunately, I had a very important training session scheduled for 8:00.  Since I was doing the training, I couldn't exactly back out.  I went to work where I fought the same nasty headache all day.  My day concluded early, after a fairly stressful meeting with a vendor.  I explained to my boss that I needed to pick up a package from the post office, though I neglected to explain what it was.  We are having a big marketing push this weekend, so everyone in the company is working some portion of both days.  It was pretty easy to get off a little early since I wouldn't really have the opportunity to go by the post office this weekend. 

You know I've had trouble with this post office before.  I was a little nervous that my Wii wouldn't be there.  Based on the general incompetence of my postman, I was afraid that even though he'd checked the box on the form telling me to come pick up the package at the post office, that he would have loaded my Wii back on his truck and tried to deliver it to my house again.  I always think about the size of the packaging after I'm at the post office.  While the man was hunting for my Wii in the bowels of the post office I wondered how large the box would be.  I knew that the Wii is the smallest of all the next gen gaming systems.  Finally, the postal worker reappeared with my Wii in his hands!  The box was a fraction smaller than I expected, but not small enough to cause alarm.

I stopped to get some food on the way home.  All the way home, I wasn't sure if I was going to eat or play first.  By the time I got home, my headache simply got the better of me.  I wasn't really in the mood to open the Wii and figure out how to set it all up.  I decided to eat and watch a little TV to see if my headache would subside.

Sure enough, about 20 minutes after sitting down, my head felt good enough for me to face the wires and sensor bar of the Wii.  I headed into the living room, which shall now be named the Wiiceiving Room.  I grabbed my trusty knife (remind me to explain how much I LOVE my set of trusty knives) to open the box. 

I was humming and bopping. 

I sliced open the package. 

A hidden chorus sang "AWWWWWWW" as I pulled out my ... Ginseng?


I went to all this trouble to retrieve some Ginseng I ordered for my mother?  I mean, she needs this and I'm glad I was able to order it.  But it wasn't "Ginsengday," it was "Wiiday."

Before going to bed, I checked my email.  The eBay seller had sent me the USPS tracking number.  According to the USPS site, my Wii package had come to my house that day (Thursday), not the day before.  Put two and two together and my Wii should be at the post office today at 8:00.  But there was no notice on my door when I got home yesterday.  Was the mailman THAT lazy?  I scribbled down the number for my Wii package and decided that I would go to the post office without a form.  If they were ugly about it, I would shout, "I want my Wii!" and make a big scene.  (Yeah, right.) 

As I came downstairs this morning, I finally saw the package form on the hand rail of the stairs inside my foyer.  I have had warranty work done at my house all week which means that one of the builder's employees has a key to my house.  The work was complete yesterday and he left my key and a warranty form for me to sign on my stairs.  In all my Wii frenzy, I'd ignored the form.  I had completely missed the postal form sitting in an odd location on my hand rail.  I picked up the form and headed for the post office.  I waited in line 30 minutes for it to open.  I was the first customer.  A different worker retrieved my correctly sized Wii box, from the correct sender, and placed it in my very grateful hands.  My Wii is currently stashed in my trunk, waiting for the end of the work day.

Wiiday may resume.

[and now a word from our sponsors...]

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Blogger Affable Olive said...

Wiiparty now! Wii need to have one. Good soup and wii. Or we could just "Wii" out our turkish, like gameyy did one night.

3:34 PM  

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