Me and My Imaginary Friends

The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what you share with someone else when you're uncool.

Friday, June 01, 2007

The Roller Coaster of Life

I know I haven't updated in a while...

Things are happening.

Wow.  That's an understatement.  I'm not really at liberty to talk about what I'm dealing with.  That's one of the things that adds to my stress.  I use this blog as a way to work out my thoughts - to communicate with a small collection of close friends, the people who really matter to me.  But this channel has been cut off simply because it's so public.

Bad news one day, not so bad news the next.  Or, as was the case today, bad news this morning, anticipation of terrible news this afternoon which turned out to be just a repeat of news we already knew followed by some news that may turn out to be decent.

The only thing I can really talk about with you people (but not with my family) is that we've had more lay-offs at my new job.  Li'l Brudder was let go.  I don't agree with that decision.  He is a really smart guy - definitely the smartest in his department.  Anyway, it makes me realize that intelligence and problem-solving skills are not necessarily what this company values.  It crosses my mind that those are two of my strongest skills.  So the natural question is "When will I be let go?" 

I don't have any real proof that my job is in danger.  I have a skill-set and knowledge base that is completely unique in this company.  But ... things can always change.  Not that anyone will suddenly acquire my skill-set or knowledge, but the company may suddenly decide that those things are no longer necessary.  It's a reality I have to face.  So while I'm going to help out Li'l Brudder by looking over his soon-to-be-updated resume, I may also add a spit-shine to my own.  It's just that my industry is the toilet right now - no one is hiring.  I don't mind going outside of my industry, but where do I begin?

As always, keep yer traps shut about this - no need to add this to the worries my family is already experiencing.

[and now a word from our sponsors...]

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

To say that sucks seems an understatement....


that sucks.

Wanna come work with me? Im sure your gastro knowledge exceeds what I came to AGA with (which also may be an understatement).


8:55 PM  
Blogger Affable Olive said...

Its still good to hear from you! I miss dearly coming up for good soup. I'll have to get y'all out here and maybe relax a little, if things decide to settle down. Oh! And I'll see you soon. You are going to be at the dinner for i dunno, right?

2:31 PM  

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