Me and My Imaginary Friends

The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what you share with someone else when you're uncool.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Going Beyond the Scientific Method

So, the scientific method is a way to explore and learn from our world.  The basic steps are:

   1. Define the question
   2. Gather information and resources (observe)
   3. Form hypothesis
   4. Perform experiment and collect data
   5. Analyze data
   6. Interpret data and draw conclusions that serve as a starting point for new hypothesis
   7. Publish results
   8. Retest (frequently done by other scientists)

Step number 4 involves all kinds of tests, often those that classify the physical structure and attributes of the subject.  In school, we often had to describe the color, smell, consistency, feel, etc. of the item we were studying.

According to this article, scientists studying the Giant Squid have taken step 4 to a new level.  They measured, weighed, poked, and fried up their specimen.  Yes, the scientists actually cut off a slice of the Giant Squid carcass to consume it as food.  To be fair, I would probably want to do the same thing.  We basically eat all kinds of things from the ocean.  But I can't imagine what they thought they would gain by admitting to having done so.  It seems so blatantly un-scientific...and a tad redneck.  "I seen this thang dead on da side of da rode, so I thew it on the hood ov mah F150 and took it home.  I tole the missus to fry it up and we et it.  It tasted like chiken."

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Blogger Affable Olive said...

They don't know how long that squid had been dead, not unless it just wasn't mentioned. It could be rancid for all they know. I'm sure it stinks anyway

12:01 PM  

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