Me and My Imaginary Friends

The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what you share with someone else when you're uncool.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Just how young do I look?

In March, I told you that a flight attendant who was hitting on Poly on our flight back from Tokyo told me that I looked 15.  Since it was the end of the flight, I just assumed that she was tired and could barely see.  I'm 34.  I've never had anyone tell me that I look 19 years younger than I am.  (Of course, I've just reached the age where I could be 19 years older than people who are basically full grown.)

At last weekend's convention, I ran into a sister who I haven't seen in almost 10 years (well, maybe once or twice in that time).  Her first comment was, "You haven't changed a bit, you look exactly the same."  (Truthfully, she didn't look any different, either.)

That same evening, I was at my cousin's house.  A really cool sister was there who I kinda know, but not well.  All my family were talking about Mama and how young she looks for her age.  Two of my aunts were adamant that she doesn't look her age - 70.  I expressed the opinion that she's finally beginning to look her age, though throughout her life she's always looked at least 10 years younger.  Finally, the cool sister asked if we were talking about my grandmother.  I guess that she had no idea how old I was, assumed I was younger and then couldn't imagine me having a 70 year old mother. 

Yesterday, the incredibly friendly and chatty hospital tech in Mama's room asked if I was "the baby."  I told her I was.  She then went on and on about how she could tell I was the baby.  She ended by asking if I was 18.  She was shocked to find out my real age.

15?  18?  What's with these people?  In the first and last instances I wasn't wearing any makeup.  But I thought that just made me look tired, not like a teenager.  When I do wear makeup, I get comments about how "nice" I look, but no one tells me, "Dang!  You look old."

Of course, every time I see Super Mom she gasps and says, "You've got a lot of gray hair."  I finally told her last week, "You tell me that every time you see me."  I guess she forgets about it because she can't often see the top of my head.  You have to be basically standing right over me and looking closely to see all my gray, but it's there and there's plenty of it.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

You do look younger than your age. Your mom definitely does as well.

Next time I see you, if I'm acting weird, I'm really only studying your hair. Gray???

2:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've never noticed your gray. I do think you look younger than you are - but definitely not by that much. Most people generally think Im younger than I am, too. I still enjoy getting carded at restaurants and seeing the surprise on the faces of the wait staff.

12:53 PM  

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