Me and My Imaginary Friends

The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what you share with someone else when you're uncool.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Things to Get for My New Office

More than one person has commented on the blank walls in my office.  They tell me that I need to hang something on the walls.  Besides the "Wallbanger" life-size static cling of Thierry Henry, I haven't given it much thought.  My colleagues have encouraged me to hang my college diploma.  I never thought I would be that kind of person.  However, there's a battle raging in these halls between my alma mater and our biggest rivals and we're outnumbered.  So I may have to dig my diploma out of the trunk it's been sitting in for ... 12.5 years (ouch, that's painful to admit).  It's been rolled up for all that time, so it's not gonna be pretty at this point. 

And then there's always the opportunity for me to hang my own photos.  I had one propped up in my last office because I could never get around to matting and framing the ones I wanted to hang so that they'd match.  But I think hanging some photos would make this place (and me) seem more permanent.  So I should get around to it.  There's not a whole lot of people in this office who would notice that the matting didn't match, but it would drive me nutters.

I also need some smelly stuff.  While I can't actually light candles (like an idiot at my last office did), I can get one of those plug-in dealies or some "sticks."  I just bought my mama some of each of those.  She told me the scent she likes and that daddy won't let her leave a candle burning in the bathroom unattended.  (Even though I disagree with Daddy's blanket statement that "unattended candles are the number one cause of house fires," I do agree that it's probably not a good idea for my aging parents to participate in this practice.)  So I bought her three non-burning smelly things:  a set of big "sticks" in a scent that I really like, a set of small "sticks" in a scent that she really likes and a plug-in thingy in a scent that she really likes.  I meant for her to successively try each one to decide which she likes best.  She got them all out and immediately started using all three at the same time.  I haven't been over to her house of ill (Daddy has/had pneumonia) since she began her assault on the senses to see how overpowering it is. 

But this is a posting about my office, not my mother's house.  I also want to pick up an image laden calendar.  I saw one in B&N the other day featuring images of China.  I may go back for it.  The problem is that while I want a wall calendar, I don't think I have enough space for a traditionally sized one.  I can only hang a calendar that is about 15" tall when opened.  Not many scenic calendars are that size.  But I'm sure I'll figure something out...

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Blogger Affable Olive said...

"Big 'sticks'" I don't know why that cracked me up. Perhaps because I think of big sticks as something you throw into a big fire...

3:24 PM  

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