Me and My Imaginary Friends

The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what you share with someone else when you're uncool.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Everything Old is New Again

(Except for T and Jules who lived through it the first time around.)

I started thinking about my blogging history. This is my third blog. I used to be a stickler about who read my blog. I talked quite a bit on my first blog, "My Opinion Counts", about a medical condition I have. At the time, I was keeping it a secret from my family. I didn't want them to even know that I had a blog because then they'd want to read it and then they'd be all, "WHAT?!? You've got Fat White Girl's Condition? You're such an embarrassment to the family. Why can't you just be like all the other people in the family - skinny, athletic and beautiful?"

But now it's out in the open. It rarely affects me since I'm on my meds. So it's just not an issue any more. I re-read the old blog and there is nothing on there that I object to people seeing. I've lost the comments, which really makes me sad because Mike Wolf used to read and comment on that blog.

Why did I stop that blog? Well, I posted some pretty funny stuff about a vacation that I took to Malibu with a couple of friends. One of the girls sent the link out to, like, everyone she knew, including Xoomie (whose old nickname was He Cracks Me Up). I got all wiggity whacked and abandoned that blog for a new one. I did not give her the address to the new blog. (I paid for that blog, so I'm still trying to figure out how much I can recover from it.)

What's interesting is that I began the blog using people's real names, but a few months in adopted the practice of giving nicknames. Many of the nicknames are the same. Two noteable exceptions are The Polyglot and I Dunno. Since I rarely saw them, I didn't talk about them often, but they went by the names Reads Alot and He Finally Knows My Name. I'll let you figure out which was which. T and Jules were already established commenters, so they didn't get nicknames - though T's would be Ponderer of the Immense.

By the way, "Ponderer of the Immense" was the name of the blog that T toyed around with. But she eventually got tired of me screaming, "UPDATE!" and abandoned blogging completely. I am still an admin on her old blog. I may throw up a link to it just for kicks.

Anyway, I don't expect y'all to go rushing over there to read 10 months worth of blog postings from 3 years ago. But I thought I'd link it just the same.


Blogger Affable Olive said...

I had a xanga for about a year, a livejournal for about a year...but those seemed to me, like I was supposed to share what went into my personal journal, and I didn't like that. I like my secrets. That's why I favor blogging. It's about anything I want it to be about. I'm going to read it. I admire that you put the link up there. I would NEVER link to my old livejournal or xanga.

2:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahh...good memories!

2:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah..the only way I ever had that blog was because I was a receptionist who sporadically had a lot of time on her hands and permission to be online. It was quite enjoyable while it lasted but..I don't even have internet access at my abode anymore so no more public pondering...sorry guys.

2:36 PM  

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