Me and My Imaginary Friends

The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what you share with someone else when you're uncool.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Random thoughts that need to be fleshed out

Here are the titles to blog postings that I haven't had time to write.  Some of them sound like they would have been awesome:

The twins are 3!

Henry Ford was a bigot.

Life sucks without a microwave.

There is a dude who REALLY wants to look at Stinky Garbage Trailer.

Found money rawks, especially when it's from the government.

Just like the little engine who could, I *can* get through my piles of mail.

I'm tired of getting shocked every time I turn on a light.

My Scrabble skilz make big sistas weep.

Snow shouldn't melt on the same day it fell.

Does making the same dinner of chicken, rice and beans every night count as cooking?

99x (and my youth) are official gone.

You probably don't know it, but you and I have "a song."

Climb to the top of the charts! Play the word scramble challenge with star power. Play now!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would have read and enjoyed and commented on all of those.

Especially about 99x. Im in mourning.

9:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, to the chicken, beans & rice.

I'm surprised that there isn't an audience for 99X. Project 96.1 is generally awful, I only like the old songs they play not the new 'sounds like something's caught in the disposal again'.

Overall, there seem to be few deejays worth listening to. I like a couple of them on Dave FM but that's about it.


4:23 PM  
Blogger Alan said...

99X is gone?!?! (eh, I hate the radio anyway).

I also wanna know what 'our song' is. That interests me. Twins 3: wow.

And props for Skrabble...

9:56 AM  

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