Me and My Imaginary Friends

The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what you share with someone else when you're uncool.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Who is this man?

I got a phone call yesterday from a number that I didn't recognize.  It was a local number and I am still trying to sell Stinky Garbage Trailer, so I picked it up.  Here is the conversation and the thoughts that went through my head (thoughts are in italics):

Me: Hello.
Unidentified Man: HnB?
Me: Yeah. (Who is this guy?)
Man: Can I get you to do me a favor?
Me: Sure. (Crap.  Who am I agreeing to do a favor for?  He seems to know me.  Uh, he seems to know me well enough that he didn't think he needed to tell me who it is.  Who IS this?  It kinda sounds like Chewy, but we haven't been this close in years.)
Man: Could you tape a show for me tonight?
Me: Sure.  (What man would ask me to tape a show for him?)
Man: [slight stutter] It's "Burn Notice" on USA at 9.
Me: Yeah, no problem. "Burn Notice."  What's it about? (Did he just stutter?  This isn't a man.  This is I Dunno.  Holy crap.  He sounds like Chewy.  A lot.  I can't believe I mistook my 15 year old nephew for a man.)
I Dunno: It's about ....

So, the rest of the conversation is not interesting.  I can't believe that I honestly had no idea who I was talking to for the first 30 - 60 seconds of that conversation.  I've always thought it was funny that part of the work I Dunno does for his father is to make cold calls on businessmen.  I thought, "Why would anyone listen to a 14/15 year old boy trying to set up an appointment to sell them a service?"  Well, I now have proof that people on the other end of the phone have no idea that they are speaking to a 15 year old boy.  If he can fake me out, he can certainly fake out a complete stranger. 

And on a completely different note, I want to mention how much I miss Chewy.  I saw him for the first time in years last month.  I know it's not really possible for a man and woman to stay friends after one of them marries.  But that doesn't mean that I don't miss our friendship.  He was truly a part of my family.  I've had so many close guy friends get married and move away.  I miss them all, but he was the one that I never thought I'd lose touch with.  I guess people come and go in your life.  You treasure them while you've got 'em and you do your best to hang on to the ones you really can't live without (even if they're on a different continent, in a different hemisphere).

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Blogger Alan said...

That is spectacular. Hilarious.

7:39 PM  

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