Me and My Imaginary Friends

The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what you share with someone else when you're uncool.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Brilliant Spammer

Oh, this is brilliant.  An email showed up in my spam folder today that appeared to be incorrectly labeled as spam.  The subject line said, "Are you related to Robert by any chance?"  Actually, yes, I am.  So I opened the message.  Here is the rest of the message.

[begin spam message]

May I have your kind attention.By providential guidance,I am reaching you in of your relative Robert.I say your relative because you both share the same last name.My resolve to contact was based on my belief that most time people who share the same last name have a common ancestral root.However correct me if I was wrong.

[interrupt spam message] The dude totally has my attention here.  Because not only do I have a relative named Robert, he is the genealogist of our family and makes posts all over the 'net tracing our family history. [back to spam message]
While I assume you are aware of Robert's demise last year,it is possible that you are not aware of his investent in our bank.This mail,therefore,is to inform you that Robert made two investment  deposits at our bank.

[interrupt spam message] Whoa.  Robert is not dead.  I just saw him last month at my mother's memorial service.  OK, something is up with this message. [back to spam message]
It is advised that you take timely step(s) to regularize the investment and save it from risk of depreciation in value or loss.
Please reply confidentially.
Thank you for your time.
I am Melvin HEIKIME

[end spam message]

It wasn't until the end that it fully hit me that this was spam.  Instead of claiming to be the deposed prince of Nigeria, asking for assistance to recover his international funds, this guy wants me to contact him to claim money he's holding from my supposedly dead relative.  Free money.  From a stranger.  Yeah, that's believable.  Though, technically, the guy says that my "relative" Robert, made an investent in his bank, not an investment.  I'm not sure what to expect from an investent.  Also, how do I "reply confidentially" to an email message?  I'm not terribly sure, but my guess is that posting it on my blog is not exactly what he had in mind.

[and now a word from our sponsors...]

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