Me and My Imaginary Friends

The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what you share with someone else when you're uncool.

Monday, September 10, 2007

An Outrage

I forgot to mention something outrageous that happened at the movies on Saturday.  I was charged $9.50 to see a movie at 4:30 in the afternoon.  I thought the girl had made a mistake and reminded her that it was 4:30.  She replied, "Matinee prices end at 3:00."  That's outrageous! 

I was reminded of a story Gil Gerard told at Dragon*Con.  (He played Buck Rogers in the 1979 TV series of the same name.)  He told us that going to the "picture show" was his favorite thing to do as a kid.  This dude's in his 60's now, so he was a kid in the 50's - Leave it to Beaver era.  He said that he would take the bus to the theater, buy a ticket (that allowed him to see as many movies as they were showing for the whole afternoon), get a coke and some popcorn, and then catch a bus ride home.  The entire afternoon, including bus fare, set him back 25 cents.  One stinking quarter.  And I have to pay $9.50 to see one movie at 4:30 in the afternoon! 

I used to love to go the movie theater.  I love popcorn and the big screen and a darkened room full of people laughing or screaming at the same time.  But there's been a huge debate about that movie theater experience over the last 10 years.  Patrons have turned into idiots - answering their cellphones, bringing kids to non-family movies, talking in non-whispers, etc., etc.  Then there is the actual condition of the theaters.  I don't know if the problem lies in the lack of quality employees or, again, the rude behavior of patrons not cleaning up after themselves, but the cleanliness of most theaters leaves quite a bit to be desired.  I can't stand to have my feet stick to the floor (or at least a floor not mine). 

Fewer and fewer "normal" people go the movies anymore.  Most wait for a movie to either come out on DVD or hit On Demand so they can watch it in the privacy of their own homes.  And with home theaters becoming more sophisticated every day, the "big screen" experience at home is getting closer and closer to the theater experience. 

There are still plenty of movies that I would like to first see at a theater.  But I view this crazy matinee pricing scheme as a big slap in the face. 

Am I the only one?

[and now a word from our sponsors...]

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

no wonder hollywood had a $4 billion summer/year (whichever). $9.50 is absurd at 7; doubly so in the afternoon.

I like going to the theater as well. Fortunately, I haven't had any bad experiences lately, but people do seem to forget that they're not at home.

12:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BTW, I forgot.

Gil Gerard!!!! I loved that show! He used to be married to Connie Selleca (I think that's the name). She was on Greatest American Hero and is now married to John Tesh. Those are my celebrity factoids for the day. If I'm wrong, wait until tomorrow to break the news to me.

*sigh* if only I could make $$ off of all the useful info. tucked away in my brain.

1:27 PM  

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