Me and My Imaginary Friends

The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what you share with someone else when you're uncool.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

A Name for the New Pad

I used to refer to my old place as Stinky Garbage Trailer. (By the way, anyone want a good deal on a vacant double-wide? It DOES NOT smell funny! Who gave you that idea?) But I have no idea what to call my new house.

My garage door is in the style of a carriage door. (That's right, I got a garage...I'm living large. I even park in it, too.) Combine that with my online name and I was thinking of calling it The Stable or the Carriage House. But those are too lame. I need a name with more spunk. It's just that this place doesn't have much's too...nice. It needs character. (Sure, hanging my art and putting up curtains or blinds may give it character, but don't rush me.)

But seriously, I'm keeping this place clean (or cleaner than any other place I've ever lived). While it does feel like home, 'cause I love it, no names jump out at me.

The Hostelry? I need some adjectives. The Boring Hostelry? The You Can Come, But Don't Stay Too Long Hostelry? You think of a name.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

your unnamed places sounds fab. When is the party??

4:06 PM  

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