Me and My Imaginary Friends

The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what you share with someone else when you're uncool.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

365 - Day 21

365 - Day 21
Originally uploaded by horsenbuggy

Archaeologist Barbie contemplates an ancient culture. I think I like Archaeologist Barbie. Methinks she will go on many an adventure...if I can get her pants to stay up.

She's wearing a military outfit that came with a male action figure. The waist of the pants is way too large. I have to keep checking her pants in between shots to make sure her butt's not showing. And even though I adore the color and texture of those boots, they fall off every time I pick her up. I wanted a hat, but it is really hard to get a hat to stay on with all that hair. The best I could do was pull it back - to put her in serious, work mode. That's also why her sleeves are rolled up.

The lighting is too harsh. My copy of Photoshop should be coming in soon, I could fix that. This would probably look better if the artifact (Kleenex holder) were half buried. But that would mean me going outside. Eww.


Blogger Meghan @ Hayes Days said...

This is hilarious! My sister makes the barbies go to the meetings and stuff, but of course she has enough male dolls for each one to give a part. And enough babies for each woman doll to have a child.

11:03 AM  

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