Me and My Imaginary Friends

The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what you share with someone else when you're uncool.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Well...Here I Am...

That's a quote from the greatest cancelled-too-soon tv show, Firefly. (It was cancelled after Fox aired 11 episodes, out of order, at random times. Gee, I wonder why it had trouble building an audience?) Anyway, there's a great episode called "Objects in Space." Basically it's a sci-fi show, but it doesn't bore you with techno-babble. It's really just a character driven drama based on a space ship. The captain is in the "transport" business, which means he will do illegal things when he can get away with it. The rest of the crew love him to death and would follow him anywhere. In the first episode, they take on a couple of passengers who end up being fugitives. But since one of them is a highly trained surgeon, Captain Mal decides to aid and abet them. In this particular episode, a wickedly smart and calmly violent (you have to see the character to understand that description) bounty hunter named Jubal Early has caught up with them. He's going to take the girl fugitive back and get his reward. It's riveting how he proves to be a significant threat and then how they overcome him. The whole time he's taking over their ship, he's spouting deep thoughts, Confucious style. By the end of the episode, he is floating off into space with nothing but the air in his little space suit to sustain him. His final words are " I am..."

So that was a very long lead in to tell you that I feel like Jubal Early. I had a plan, an objective. But now I'm out floating in space. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be doing or who's going to fly my way. For now, I'm heading out in service. It feels important that that be the first thing I do on my first official day of redundancy.


Blogger Elizabeth Escalante said...

Exactly the right thing to do.

Can I ask - what is your field of choice?

8:58 AM  
Blogger Affable Olive said...

Field Service, P. June. That's her field of choice. Service will always cheer her up and it's rewarding. When ever I feel bad, I drop everything and go out in service, which is different since I used to just lay in bed. It always helps.

10:00 AM  
Blogger Elizabeth Escalante said...

I have always thought that field service is the ideal career... too bad it doesn't pay the mortgage.


10:05 AM  
Blogger Horse N. Buggy said...

Field of choice? I have experience in IT for the Homebuilding industry. My passion is in photography. I have a deep interest in writing and journalism. I have no idea what I want to do. I really do want to unload all my financial responsibilities and then look for part-time work.

4:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So much to say about it all but i feel I can sum it up with...

"Right on, HnB."

12:15 PM  

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